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See the world through the eyes of one who is usually a little off center, and always anxious to hear your opinions. My purpose is not to entertain you, though I hope you are entertained, it is not to make you change your views so they align with mine, again, that would be nice sometimes, but to show you that you DO NOT have to think the way you have been told to all of your lives. Everyone has opinions and views, and they do not always conform to some unwritten standard. Your opinions are as important as anyone's. It is important to "Look Behind The Curtain", it is necessary to ask the question "Why", and it is best for all of us if you learn to think for yourselves. So agree with me if you choose to, or disagree. But THINK about what is happening in our world. and use the comments to give me your opinions, good, bad or indifferent. I want to hear from you, or for you to tell me about your BLOG, or to suggest one you think I should see. Send me your stories, concerns and questions. You can email me directly if you have more than the comments will allow at: oldhippieblogger@yahoo.com.
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Friday, April 22, 2011

More of My Administration

I have had nothing but trouble with my computer today! DAMN ~ I hope my administration runs smoother than this machine! If you read my previous post on running for president,then simply continue with this one. If you missed that post, I suggest you read it first, because if you don't, this will make no sense at all. Actually, even if you read the first one, this may not make much sense. But, I am an Old Hippie, and sometimes I confuse even myself. But confusion never stopped any of the previous presidents, and it won't stop me. And with that thought in mind, let me give you a few more of the people that I plan to have help me run this nation. I think that the ones named so far are perfect for the job. New blood with new ideas, not the same old recycled rhetoric. As far as I am concerned, I am more than willing to give these people a chance, after all, we already know where the others have gotten us. We need change, we need LESS bureaucracy, we need new ideas and we need people who can make things happen. So, let's go on to a few more.
Department of Justice: Boy did I have to think about this. Truthfully, what we have now is "The Department of Injustice", and that needs to change. This is a BIG job, and a very important one, and I want two people here. And who knows more about injustice, who knows more about the inequality of our current system, who will stand their ground and bring real change here. Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong! You bet! Cheech and Chong making America a place where the good guys don't have to fear, and the bad guys ALWAYS get taken down. These guys know what is what in the REAL WORLD! And besides, it is a good way to reunite them. These are the men to set the priorities in order. No more wasting millions of taxpayer dollars to bring an ex-baseball player to court for steroids, no more wasting government resources for trying to convict some poor person for selling a bong. Hell no! They know that the biggest crooks come from the Ivy League, not the poor neighborhoods of this country. They will chase the real crooks, the big guys that hide behind their legions of lawyers.

Department of the Interior: WOW! Have you seen the condition of our National Parks and Monuments? It is embarrassing to say the least. So I searched my foggy brain, trying to miss those brain cells that I killed in the 60's, looking for the perfect person to address these problems. Someone who could make things right. Someone who can make everything look good. Then it came to me, who can make anything look good using only the junk you find around your house and a few items picked up from the local K-MART? Well, Martha Stewart of course! She can fix it all up just right, and keep everything cheap! OK, so she is an ex-con. Big deal, like you have nothing in your life that you don't want to talk about! Think about the color co-ordinated cushions on the park benches that match the foliage of the seasons. Those new Park Ranger uniforms, so stylish and eye appealing. Doesn't this just make your heart beat a little faster? This is the woman who can bring the luster back to America, and do it within a budget! Go Martha!

Department of Agriculture: One, and only one man stands out for this all important position. Willie Nelson knows more about the plight of farmers than anyone else I can think of, and he is my choice! Mile after mile of grains grown for bio-diesel to get us away from imported oil, and thousands of acres producing "Medical Marijuana". Just the thought of such a magnificent sight brings a tear to my eyes. Yes, this is the man to change toe face of agriculture in America, and he would be a lot of fun in those cabinet meetings. My Man, Willie!! Here is a man who can bring this country back to it's roots and put America's farmers where they belong, ahead of all of those dot-com guys who make millions and produce nothing. And his first job will be to find out why I have to par $2.29 dollars a pound for tomatoes when I live in an agricultural area, and my daughter who lives in LA pays only $.50 per pound! something is not right in the land of Oz!

Department of Commerce: This was really tough for me, because besides interfere with business and spend money, I really don't know what is done here. So I decided to first redefine this position. In my administration, this department will be the ones that move American business into the future. Now that we know what has to be done, the choice is easy. Who has seen more of the future, who has envisioned more new technology, who has shown us these things so vividly that we really believe that it will actually come? My man, George Lucas! Give it up for George!!! Think of the "Star Wars" technology he will bring us, flying cars, cities that float above the clouds, which frees up a lot of space for more agriculture, and all of those hand held gadgets that will make your cell phone look like a toy. A true visionaries visionary! You all have seen what he can do on the "silver Screen", so let's see what he can do for real!

Well, that's it for today. Tomorrow will bring a little more. Remember, I need your support. Send that money to me as quick as you can. But if you don't have cash close at hand, you can always send me the deed to your house, the pink slip to your car, or in a pinch, just send barer bonds. Every little bit helps. Have a great day.

The Old Hippie

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