OK, so what do you think of my administration so far? Pretty "Far Out"? Awesome? Groovy? Yea, that is all true, but really look at it! I mean, you need to ask yourself what people at this level of government are supposed to do. The head if the FBI, for instance, will never do a hostage rescue or track down a bank robber. NO, that person defines the organization, organizes it and sets the goals for the organization. I have chosen people, people who will look at the reality we now find ourselves in with fresh eyes, not the jaded, bureaucratic eyes they formed from years of trying to play the political game and climb the ladder of success. I want doers who don't care about the political game, only the people of America, and doing what is best for all of us. Keep that in mind as you see who else I want in the top dog club of this country. And with that, here we go.
Department of Labor: This is an area that has had one of the worst showings of our government! Corporation after corporation has CLOSED American businesses and moved them overseas. Industrial jobs, manufacturing jobs and service jobs have been taken from us and given to people in other countries. This can not continue. I want someone who is for the American worker. I want someone who is going to expose corporations for what they are, nothing but money grabbers. I want someone who will raise your awareness and lead you to protest this type of activity, someone who will spur you to protest and boycott of these pirates. I want Bob Dylan! Yes, the same Bob Dylan that helped move an entire generation into action, a devotee of the great Woody Guthrie who praised American workers, and who inspired millions to take action. Here is a man with a proven track record, and he is the man for this job! Bob Dylan will lead the charge against the corporate strangle hold of America, and raise the underdog worker to where he belongs.
Department of Health and Human Services: Here is another of Americas jokes! What are they really supposed to do? What have they done? Beats me, so here I have to once again define this position. As for the health aspect, it is simple. I charge this department to develop and implement a National Health Care System that will do two things. First, WORK!!!!! Second, by fair! That is it in a nut shell. Get me a system that works and is fair. Does that sound like too much to ask for? And Human Services is little different. Make these government services available to Americans who NEED them without prejudice! If an American needs it, he or she should get it! But, who is capable of such a feat of this magnitude? My choice would have been John Wayne, but he is dead, so where to go? I'll yell you, none other than Joan Baez, that's who! Here entire life she has championed the underdog, she has publicly admonished political hypocrisy and she has praised the integrity of equality. Joan can do this!
Department of Housing and Urban Development: What a waste! Half of Americans don't live in urban environments, and having those of us who live in the suburbs and rural areas of this country subsidize those that do choose to live there is wrong. THIS DEPARTMENT IS OUT!
Department of Transportation: Here is a department that has been asleep at the wheel for decades! Out highways have fallen into disrepair, we have NO national train system, and our air travel sucks! When I go to China, I fly China Air, because the price is better, the food is better and the service is better than any of the American carriers. I want to be able to take a train from where I live to someplace like LA, Washington D.C. or to Miami, but I can't because there is no national train service. Oh sure, you could use AMTRAK, but their service sucks! AMTRAK does not own any of the tracks they use, so their trains are always preempted by other trains and they sit on some siding waiting for it to pass. Their schedule is not worth the paper it is written on, and there is zero service. It is not a fun way to travel, let alone a romantic way. And I want highways that are Autobahn quality! High speed express highways connecting major points! Face the facts folks, our transportation system was devised in the 1950's by President Eisenhower, and form of transportation has been racing ahead as quickly as technology will allow based upon this 1950 model! I want someone to change this, and someone who has the knowledge and who knows people who can help. To this end, I will make Richard Petty, yes, "King Richard" my new Secretary of Transportation. Winning at high speed is something he is familiar with and something he has been involved with all of his life!
Department of Energy: This department has devolved into the big Oil and Coal representative in our government! It is a political sham and front organization. Yes we need oil, but not for gasoline and diesel fuel, we need it for the petrochemical industry! The most expedient way to wean ourselves off oil is to develop the natural gas supplies we have today. It is cheaper than gasoline, clean burning ( a real help environmentally ) and we have enough right here in America to last us more than 100 years! No more oil imports! And I want to see wind powered generators on every farm and ranch on the Great Plains, and wind powered generators in every town there! I want to see solar power used throughout the "Sun Belt" and I want to see wave generators along our coasts! The only person I see with this vision is Warren Buffet! And he has the know how to do it. Warren, you are my man! I want to see alternative energy generation by required on EVERY new building erected in America, and every building permit issued in this country should have energy requirements associated with it. From a simple home remodel to the construction of a high rise!
That is enough for today. We can only absorb so much at any one time. I will continue with the members of my administration next time. Now it is time for you to reflect on my choices to this point. Keep in mind what I said earlier, that the people at the top don't do the job, they supply the vision for the organization, the inspiration for the doers, and they set the path for the future. Maybe your opinion is different from mine, and that is a good thing, because finding the best solution comes only from listening to many opinions and ideas, then coalescing them into a final solution. Tell me what you think, tell me who you would choose. I am anxious to hear from you.
Hope . . . ?
Finally - Some Hope - ?by Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet - Dec. 12,
2017Finally! A significant win against the insane alt-right of "our"
nation. I admit it ...
7 years ago
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