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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Religion and Politics ~ Politics and Religion

They mix like oil and water, and form a compound more volatile than nitroglycerin. They always have, and they always will. Throughout recorded history religion has fueled more wars than anything else. Maybe not, but it is in the top three reasons. You can argue successfully that the desire for wealth or power is in the top spot. But when you look at the whole, religion is way up there. And the whole picture includes both wars between religions, like the "Crusades", but wars within religions. Christians waging war against other Christians, example being France declaring war on England at the urging of the Pope after Henry VIII formed the Church of England, and wars within Islam pitting different sects of Muslim's against one another. This is a pitiful commentary on mankind. And here, in America, it is unconstitutional. It is AGAINST THE LAW! But who are we to let something as trivial as the Constitution stop us.

The first ten amendments to our constitution is often referred to as "The Bill of Rights". The first of these amendments gives Americans the Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Petition. This may be the most written about amendment to the constitution, and for good reason. But the freedom of religion was so important to Americans at that time, that it was made part of the law of the land. So, this being said, I have the right to choose my own religion, and to practice that religion, and you can not persecute me for doing it. Every American has this right! What is commonly called "The Separation of Church and State" is directly drawn from this first amendment, and has been repeatedly cited by the Supreme Court. For reasons of simplicity here, I'll just say that the First Amendment prohibits the government from interfering in religion, and prohibits laws that persecuted religion. But, the flaw, if I can call it that, is that it does NOT prevent religious groups from taking political action.

Christians in this country see America as a Christian country. And it is true that America is a predominantly Christian in religious following. But there is a sect that is very radical and fundamental, and they are determined to implement their views through legislation.  They see America as their country, their Christian country, and believe that they have been directed by God to make this country into one that is in accordance with their views and beliefs. They fight tirelessly trying to insert their moral views into laws governing ALL Americans. Don't get me wrong, strong morals are important for a healthy society, and it is important for all Americans to develop a strong moral core. But, the problem is a small percentage of Christian radicals that have their own agenda, and are doing everything in their power politically to change this country into their own image of what they believe their God wants. And we all know that the squeaky wheel is the one that gets the grease!

Most Christians are not like this, but you can not deny that the radicals exist. Look at the evidence. Fire bombings of Synagogues and Mosques, bombings at abortion clinics, anti-Islamic and anti-Jewish marches and rallies. And recently a Christian church leader burned a copy of the Koran for no other reason than to get publicity! Where is the moral justification for action like this? Please take a step back and look at what is happening! When some radical does something so abhorrent, so hateful, where are you good Christians? The unfortunate truth is that you are woefully silent! And by being silent, you give the impression that you support these radical views. So, I implore you to get up off your sanctimonious backsides and speak out against this radical behavior. Or, run the risk as being seen as part of this radical element.

And I implore you Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus to speak out! Every religion has it's radical element. When something is done supposedly in YOUR name that is not consistent with YOUR beliefs, say something, and say it loud and clear. And show each other some respect, some tolerance and some love. How about trying to support one another. The fact is that America belongs to all of us.

I was raised a Christian. Brought up as a Presbyterian. Attended Sunday School and church. Later, in my college years, I took a class called "Religions of the World", not because I was particularly interested, but truthfully, it seemed like an easy way to get one of my sociology requirements. And in looking at the major religions, something very strange happened to me. Unplanned, and without realizing it, I learned something! And what I learned was this, they all teach good things, and they all teach total BS! Look, if God created first Adam, then Eve, and they produced two sons, Cain and Able, where did Cain and Able go to to find their wives? I don't remember reading of any "Wives Are Us" outlets near the Garden of Eden in the Bible. And the teachings of "Reincarnation" as professed in Eastern religions really stretch my powers of comprehension. I could come back as an inch worm, or a baker????

But they all have good teachings. They all have things that, when learned and practiced, will make people better human beings. What this resulted in for me was Atheism. I don't believe in a God, but I do believe in trying to live a good life. And I believe that I have the right to believe as I do. I don't want to be forced into having to live my life according to the moral views and beliefs of someone else.

The separation of church and state exists for a very good reason. The government has the responsibility serve and protect the people, to insure their health and safety and to provide security. The government is responsible for the material needs of society. Religion should not be concerned with a material world. It should be responsible for the soul, and the preparation for the material being to enter the next life, be it heaven, hell or reincarnation back into this material world. Society is a tenuous institution at best. We need both government and morals. Why complicate things. Let us move toward trying to live together, toward harmony, toward understanding and toward acceptance. It would be a far better world if we only practiced what we preach, "Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself". Don't you think? Have A Great Day,

The Old Hippie

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