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See the world through the eyes of one who is usually a little off center, and always anxious to hear your opinions. My purpose is not to entertain you, though I hope you are entertained, it is not to make you change your views so they align with mine, again, that would be nice sometimes, but to show you that you DO NOT have to think the way you have been told to all of your lives. Everyone has opinions and views, and they do not always conform to some unwritten standard. Your opinions are as important as anyone's. It is important to "Look Behind The Curtain", it is necessary to ask the question "Why", and it is best for all of us if you learn to think for yourselves. So agree with me if you choose to, or disagree. But THINK about what is happening in our world. and use the comments to give me your opinions, good, bad or indifferent. I want to hear from you, or for you to tell me about your BLOG, or to suggest one you think I should see. Send me your stories, concerns and questions. You can email me directly if you have more than the comments will allow at: oldhippieblogger@yahoo.com.
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Friday, May 6, 2011

My New Administration ~ Tax Reform & More

Good Morning America! ~ Here it is another really fine Spring morning, but I feel so much sorrow for those around me who are having to endure such devastating floods. "Old Man River" has been in a really bad mood lately, showing us all that it, not the Army Corps of Engineers, will decide where it will go. Having been flooded at one time in my life, my heart goes out to all of you affected by this. However, it did give me the opportunity to reflect on the awesome power of nature and the insignificance of us, human being, and our efforts to control it. It solidified my belief that we need our military here at home working for the welfare of Americans, and not abroad where their efforts only benefit a select group of big business interests.

I have not settled upon my new Secretary of the Treasury yet, however, I have narrowed the field considerably. I should have this little kink worked out in the next few days, so stay tuned in. But today I want to give you, the American voters, my views on taxes. Yes, this is a sore subject for all of us, and I venture to say that most of us cringe at the very thought of paying taxes. And, yet, taxes are a necessary part of any societal structure. Tax revenue is what pays for the things we, as a society, need. Schools, roads and water are things we all need, and they are only made possible by collecting taxes which are then used to provide these things. I doubt that there is any argument there. The argument has always been "Who" should pay these taxes, and "How Much" should they pay. Americans don't want to eliminate taxes, they simply want a system that is fair. That is NOT an unreasonable thing to ask for!

Did you know that the wealthiest 1% in America pay taxes at a rate of approximately 16%, while the middle class pay 25%? Did you know that the WORLD'S LARGEST corporation, GE, made profits of 14 billion dollars last year, and not only did they NOT pay a dime in taxes, they received a REBATE of 1.3 billion dollars? This is simply unfair, or in my mind, criminal. How is this possible you ask in a state of confusion and frustration? Answer, the system sucks!

Our current tax system has the most convoluted and complicated regulations ever created by man! It is rife with loop holes, filled with conflicting codes, and, weighted heavily in favor if those with the most money, and I dare ANY person to call me a liar and back that statement up with facts! And our current crop of politicians, as all of their predecessors have done before them, fiddle and fart with these tax codes every year trying to squeeze every dime they can out of the American middle class. AND THIS IS ONLY INCOME TAX! You too often forget the other taxes you pay everyday!

If you are like most Americans, you put gas in your car, and you pay additional taxes on every gallon you purchase. You buy things at stores that your family needs, and you pay sales tax every time you do. You pay your utility bills each month, and included in YOUR payment are more taxes. You are virtually taxed when you make money, spend money and when you save money. All of this should give you all pause. What are you working for? What services are you getting for all of this money being taken out of your pocket? Are your schools getting better, or worse? Are your roads and bridges improved, or falling into disrepair? Are your streets and communities becoming safer, or more dangerous? Believe me folks, I could keep up this line for a very long time, but you all see my point. This all boils down to 3 things. Who should pay, how much should they pay, and what should we see as a society for the money we are spending. So, let's start to answer this.

Who should pay? Simple answer, EVERYONE! Yes, every person is responsible for paying their share. We all benefit from the things taxes are supposed to provide, so we all need to pay. Next, how much should we pay? No more and no less than is needed to do the job! The tax revenue collected from Americans should be used for them. It is NOT a cookie jar to be raided for foreign countries and foreign support. There are things that Americans NEED that they are not getting. And last, what should taxpayers expect to see from their tax dollars when the government spends them? Better schools, better roads, clean water, clean air, safe and clean streets and neighborhoods. In short, a better life! Is this really such a ridiculous thing for the American people to demand?

This is what the American people should demand. It is the sane thing to demand. It is the common sense thing to demand. And it is time that all of us do, stand up and demand this from our elected officials. We need to demand that everyone pays their FAIR share. We should demand that elected officials do first and foremost FOR Americans. We should demand that all of us is treated equally and that there is ACCOUNTABILITY for elected officials. Now, how do we accomplish this?

My solution is a simple flat income tax and a usage tax. No more exemptions, no more loop holes, no more laws favoring the top 1 %. And no more incentives that favor one segment of society above another. We implement a poverty level, for the sake of this argument, let's establish this level at $30,000.00 per year, and we allow another $5, 000.00 for each additional household member. Anyone making that amount or less pays no income tax. And everyone making more than that pays a flat 25% on every dollar above that level. Now, we have a system where Bill Gates and Ida May Taxpayer all pay their fair share of the tax burden. Next we create and implement a usage tax. A simple example of this would be water usage. If an average family of four uses "X" amount of water each month, they pay nothing in additional taxes. But those who consume MORE, pay a tax on their consumption above the norm. Why should you pay for someones pool or their desire to wash their car every day. But there is more.

Eliminate those other taxes. No more sales tax, no more gas tax, no more penalties for actually SAVING some money. There would be more than enough tax dollars generated by this system to do the things that Americans need done. But generating revenue is only half of the equation for our tax problem. The other side is how we spend those taxes we have generated. Our government needs to get spending under control. If the people spending YOUR money were working in another industry, they would be criminally liable for their actions! What would happen to YOUR pension fund administrator if he or she spent your money bailing out failing businesses or corrupt foreign governments? I'll tell you, he would be arrested and criminally charged! Why do you allow your elected officials to do these things? Why the double standard? Wake up America and take a long and hard look at the reality of the world you live in! Turn off the TV and turn on your brain!

If you don't do something now, there will be no America left. You are the only ones that can bring about change. But YOU act like the boss in a business where your employees are stealing you blind while you sit idly by and enjoy your little fantasy world. Hells bells, I am an old man, and I won't have to live with your inability to see the truth and act. But you will, and your children and grandchildren will have to live with it, and you are going to be the ones THEY blame when the walls come tumbling down. Think about that!

Now, just a reminder to keep those greenbacks coming in. I may be an Old Hippie, but my campaign needs money like all the rest. Just stick that folding money in an envelope and send it here, and I'll do the rest. Have A Great Day,

The Old Hippie

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