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See the world through the eyes of one who is usually a little off center, and always anxious to hear your opinions. My purpose is not to entertain you, though I hope you are entertained, it is not to make you change your views so they align with mine, again, that would be nice sometimes, but to show you that you DO NOT have to think the way you have been told to all of your lives. Everyone has opinions and views, and they do not always conform to some unwritten standard. Your opinions are as important as anyone's. It is important to "Look Behind The Curtain", it is necessary to ask the question "Why", and it is best for all of us if you learn to think for yourselves. So agree with me if you choose to, or disagree. But THINK about what is happening in our world. and use the comments to give me your opinions, good, bad or indifferent. I want to hear from you, or for you to tell me about your BLOG, or to suggest one you think I should see. Send me your stories, concerns and questions. You can email me directly if you have more than the comments will allow at: oldhippieblogger@yahoo.com.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hippie Jim for President ~ WHY?

Since I have announced my entry into the race for President of the United States, the one question that is always asked is Why? Why do you want to be President? And, why should I vote for you? Of course I anticipated being asked these questions, and I thought that the answer would be easy. But I discovered something that truly astounded me. There is no easy answer. There are quick "Quip" answers, but these answers are exactly what I oppose. These are the answers that you always hear from the professional politicians who run for office, any office. Here is one example of the other guys standard answer: " I have the vision and the experience, determination and ability to make things right for America, and to position our country at the forefront as THE predominant world power." I mean, really, what did this guy just say? NOTHING! Here is another: "America needs to be focused and develop lasting relationships abroad that will lead to peace and prosperity throughout the world, and I am the man who can make that happen." Again, NOTHING was said! After thinking about this, and becoming somewhat depressed, I decided that the truth ( strange word to be used in a political plea ) was the right direction to go.

So, here it is..... "Why do you want to be President?" ~ Because someone has to step up and do the right thing. The current candidates have hundreds of years of combined political experience, they have had hundreds of years of combined opportunities to re-plot the direction of America, and they have hundreds of years of combined failure. America's ship continues to sail on the same course, one wants to adjust it a little to the right, the other a little to the left, but the direction always remains the same. I want to go in a DIFFERENT direction. All of the other candidates want to force change to bring the world into their vision of a world democracy built on the Capitalist model. They very only in their approach to achieving this goal. I want to see a world where people learn that living together with differences is a good thing. A world where people are willing to value the existence of difference and learn from each other. I want to see a world where people can feel secure in being themselves.

"Why should I vote for you?" If you really want change, the question should be "Why on Earth would you vote for any of the others?" They all have proved that they DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS, but they promise to do the same things that have not worked! How stupid is that? I would rather vote for "Alfred E. Newman" than any of the current crop of recycled politicians in the race today! I will tell you up front that I do not have the answers, but I do know that their answers do not work. But I also know that the answers are there. You, the people have the answers. So, my promise is to find them, and bring them into the light of day. I want to bring together the minds of America to address each of our problems and develop solutions that will resolve them. What am I saying? I want peace. Real world peace.

We currently have military bases in 180 foreign countries! What for? Think about it, the presence of military forces may promote a feeling of stability by the implementation of control, but that is not peace. Peace is coexistence, not control and suppression. I say close these bases down and bring our people home. And, least we not forget, America is the WORLDS LARGEST ARMS DEALER! seriously, selling guns to people is supposed to be a way to promote peace? Call me stupid, but I see that as a way to promote conflict and war! I want to see disarmament. Then people will have to LEARN TO TALK out their differences. But this is what I see as resolution to one problem. I want to hear what you want. Tell me, I'm waiting.

America has placed itself as the worlds arbiter for politics, economics and way of life. But how is it possible to anoint ourselves as the ultimate model for the world when our own country is a mess? Look around you folks, we have problems here at home. So what gives the right to tell others how to do something that we clearly can not do for ourselves? Why do we have such an economic imbalance in this country? We are a nation of haves and have nots! Why do we have so many uneducated people in America? We have an education system that is outdated and can not produce productive citizens. Why do we STILL suffer from racial conflict in America? We are a nation that does not try to understand our own people, we simply pass laws without any real understanding. Why do we have the same problems year after year? Because we elect the same people with the same ideologies and the same concepts year after year. America, it is time that we either change or admit defeat from within.

The bottom line is that I can not change anything, but you can. You can insist that your elected officials do the right thing, the things that benefit all Americans. Whether you vote for me or another, make sure that you vote, and when you do, do so with a commitment in your hearts to bring about positive changes that will be best for all of the people. Don't forget to send me your campaign contributions. Send them to "The Old Hippie", send them now and often. I am going to spend the rest of today building a bigger mail box. The one I have now is just your garden variety box available at most hardware stores, but I know it will not be sufficient for the job. Maybe one of you contributors will be kind enough to include a set of plans for a really spiffy mail box, I'd appreciate it very much. Have A Great Day.

The Old Hippie

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