TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) has endorsed my candidacy for President! ~ This is of course a LIE! THEY DO NOT SUPPORT ME! And as far as I know, they don't even know about me nor do they care if they do know. But, every one of the other candidates is creating lies and no one seems to pay any attention. They make stupid remarks, make historically inaccurate statements, claim they didn't say things in the past that are on record and make promises they can never keep. But YOU are going to vote for one of them, and that is a very sad commentary about you. Why is this sad?
You will eventually vote for the person who has the best MARKETING CAMPAIGN, and not the person with the best ideas and approaches to problem solving. Your criteria is about looking good, not intelligence. You will choose, not on ideas, but on presentation. You will choose appeal over substance. You will choose appearance over capabilities. And you will get more of what you have been getting for years. You will get more war, more debt, more tax burden and more jobs being sent to foreign countries. Your tax dollars will be increasingly spent on foreign aid, and less on deserving Americans. And, you will cry and complain.
You will blame the Government for these problems. You will blame the wealthy for these problems. You may even blame one God or another. But they are not the problem. You are the ones who vote people into office. These problems are, and have always been, caused by you. If you want to change the problems, you have to change the way you vote. And, to make positive changes in the way you vote, you need to change your criteria, and vote for SUBSTANCE, not marketing hype. I'm just an Old Hippie, and this rant is only my opinion, but think about it. Have A Great Day,
The Old Hippie
Hope . . . ?
Finally - Some Hope - ?by Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet - Dec. 12,
2017Finally! A significant win against the insane alt-right of "our"
nation. I admit it ...
7 years ago
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