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See the world through the eyes of one who is usually a little off center, and always anxious to hear your opinions. My purpose is not to entertain you, though I hope you are entertained, it is not to make you change your views so they align with mine, again, that would be nice sometimes, but to show you that you DO NOT have to think the way you have been told to all of your lives. Everyone has opinions and views, and they do not always conform to some unwritten standard. Your opinions are as important as anyone's. It is important to "Look Behind The Curtain", it is necessary to ask the question "Why", and it is best for all of us if you learn to think for yourselves. So agree with me if you choose to, or disagree. But THINK about what is happening in our world. and use the comments to give me your opinions, good, bad or indifferent. I want to hear from you, or for you to tell me about your BLOG, or to suggest one you think I should see. Send me your stories, concerns and questions. You can email me directly if you have more than the comments will allow at: oldhippieblogger@yahoo.com.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Health Care ~ Your Priority?

Health care is a priority for every person on Earth! Everyone wants access to good health care, but the question for us as Americans is where on our list of priorities will we place health care. As Americans, we are concerned about many things, a solid and stable economy, one with ample job opportunities, national defense, education, the environment, social equality, and of course, will there be a football season this year? Football aside for the moment, you have to admit, we have a lot to think about and make decisions about. The health care issue becomes amplified when you consider the simple truth that we are all different. I think that at this point I need to make a couple of assumptions. First, if you take two people, say Bill Gates who has more money than God, and a single mother working two jobs to try and keep a roof over her children's heads and food on their table, and ask them how much importance they would place on health care, you would get two different answers. I think that this assumption is a given. Bill Gates can not only afford any doctor, he can buy the hospital if he chooses, and the single mother has to go to the local free clinic. So, anyone who believes that you can find consensus on this issue, send me lots of money for my Presidential Campaign, see previous posts for instructions.

The second assumption I want to make is that any system we choose to implement has to be a good one, one that provides very good care and treatment, prescription medicine and quality rehabilitation services. I mean, seriously, if the intent is to provide second class health care, there is no point in providing any health care at all. So, allowed those two assumptions, let me continue. Here is a fact for you, America is the only major industrialized nation without a national health care program. I find this sad, because it tells me that America cares less about her citizens than other nations care about their citizens. And here is another fact for you, YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING! America only generates so much money for the government to spend, though the current crop of officials don't seem to recognize this fact and overspend constantly. Still, decisions must be made everyday on government spending, and this brings me back to prioritizations.

Our government gives "Military Aid" to numerous nations. So, which is more important to you, more military aid for Israel, or better health care for you and your family? America gives "Foreign Aid" to countries whose leaders misuse it for their own benefits. What would you do with that money, give it to dictators or use it for health care? America gives wealthy farmers billions of dollars every year. Is that OK with you, or do you want better health care? Do you see a trend here? Exactly where is the priority of health care? What is more important? The answer is I don't know, because the government never gives people that kind on information.

As far as I can tell, government spending is like someone shopping for groceries on an empty stomach! Every isle they go down has something they just have to have, so, in the cart it goes. Once they get home, and look at the check book, they realize that there isn't enough to pay the mortgage this month. OH WELL! Look, we are simply people, people with needs like any other people. And we look to the government to take care of some of those needs. I think that all people should be given good health care, and I think that it should be very high on the list of priorities for our leaders. If you agree, get up off your couch potato butt, and do something about it! Force your elected officials to do what you want. They are accountable to you, not the lobbyists for the big insurance companies and the doctors! Not to the big business that they serve as if they were Gods! This is your country! It does not belong to the top 1%! Take it back. Maybe you agree with me, and if you do, get involved. If you don't agree, give me your comments, and I'll write about your side. Have A Great Day.

The Old Hippie

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