Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I have an important announcement to make.
The United States of America spends too much money every year! Our tax dollars are being wasted, and this must change. Why, in the names of ALL OF THE GODS are we spending so much money trying to put people in jail for victimless crimes? Look at what is happening around us, and to add insult to injury, it is being done in our name! Billions of tax payer dollars every year being flushed down the drain, and with NO apparent benefit to the taxpayers. Stand up, protest, gather in the streets and march to the seats of justice in this country! DEMAND AN END TO THIS, and demand justice! So, what is this Old Hippie trying to tell me, you must be asking? What is this relic from the past doing? Maybe is is a simple case of "Flashback". Not at all. This country spends BILLIONS OF DOLLARS every year trying to rid this land of such things as prostitution, gambling and the biggest of all bottomless holes, drugs. Literal armies of local, state and federal police have this as their sole responsibility. Catch these evil doers. cadres of people in our justice system have full time jobs prosecuting these people. And our prison system is overflowing with those convicted of these crimes. It is time that we step back and look at this situation. See it for what it is. Wake up America! First I listed prostitution, so let's look at it first. This is often been described as the oldest profession in the world. I don't know if this is true or not, but if I were to hazard a guess, I'd certainly put it in the "Top Ten All Time" list. But, I ask you, where is the victim here? There are none that I can see. But, there are problems. None of us want to see people standing on street corners soliciting. All of us have a BIG problem with sexually transmitted disease. But that is easy to remedy. Legalize it, regulate it, and most important of all, stop spending tax payer dollars to stop what can't be stopped, and stare COLLECTING taxes on a legal business enterprise. Nevada has legalized this in a few counties. It seems to work for them. They have strict laws associated with prostitutes. They have to be monitored by doctors, so the occurrence of disease is drastically reduced. It is treated like any other business, and, the most important fact is that those businesses pay taxes. The business pays taxes, and the prostitute pays taxes. Law enforcement costs go down, and tax revenues go up. What a deal! Unfortunately, the elected officials will probable vote themselves a pay raise with this windfall of extra revenues, but that is something we can discuss later. And there is more. Oh, yes. By creating a "New Industry", you create business opportunities for other legitimate business. Marketing and advertising would have a field day creating new ideas here. The travel industry could benefit. The possibilities are endless if you simply step back and look at it for what it is. Look at this with a realistic and open mind. Just because prostitution is illegal today do not stop it from flourishing. It has always been here, and it always will. Your attempts to legislate your morals upon a society that clearly sees things differently is not working. The legislation of morality has never worked. Just because it is legal and available does not mean that the entire population is going to flock to the counter and start ordering from the menu. Besides, some of the most prominent leaders of your "Moral Majority" ( what a misnomer that is ), have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. What does that tell you? Next is gambling! Why on Earth is this a crime? I mean, everybody does it. From little kids, "I bet I can beat you home!", to housewives, "I'll bet that George breaks up with Judy!", to all of us addicted to sports who bet on office pools. But gambling is not as clear cut as prostitution. Lottery tickets are legal aren't they? And, isn't that a form of gambling? Sure it is. Church BINGO games are common, with the chance of winning that big jackpot at the end of the night aren't they? Absolutely! Gambling is actually legal in some places, Nevada, Atlantic City, Bay St. Louis, and the casinos on Indian lands have sprung up across the nation. So, what is the problem? You allow it here and there, but not other places, you condone it for church socials, but not for other organizations, you see it as a benefit for the Indians, but not for other entrepreneurs. An office pool is OK, but a bookie is evil and should go to jail! Please explain your logic to me, I beg you. Simply legalize it and begin collecting the taxes it generates. We would all be better off this way. Sports books exist, legal sports books. But we don't see any tax revenue from them because they are located OFFSHORE! Millions of you each month use your computers and the Internet gambling at these offshore sports books. There are no more hypocritical people in the world than Americans, I swear. Now we come to the biggie. The most controversial of all victimless crimes, drugs. America declared "War on Drugs" six decades ago. And we have been fighting it ever since, with absolutely NO SUCCESS! Billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars have gone down the drain fighting this "War", and the problem is much worse today than when it all began. Back in the day, Hippies, like me, openly used and advocated drugs. President Johnson openly hated Hippies, and he saw the war on drugs as a vehicle to rid America of these subversive, evil young people. He was followed closely by Nixon, and the war on drugs was escalated, much like he escalated the Vietnam War, into Laos and Cambodia. That worked out well, don't you think? Each succeeding president has followed this policy, each year spending more and more of YOUR money! Look at history, it was our own CIA that taught the cocaine cartels how to produce Crack! Under Regan! Remember Ollie North? It was
Prohibition that made organized crime so big and powerful in the early
twentieth century. Al Capone stated
publicly that
Prohibition was the best thing that ever happened to him. Look at the results of this war. Americans are no longer safe in Mexico! Drug cartels are fighting there in open warfare. Innocent people are losing their lives. For what? Drug use is increasing. This war has no positive results. Our prisons are filled with people who were busted for POT! Drugs are being sold openly on street corners across America. There are places in our cities where it is not safe to venture, because of illegal drug traffic. Wake up America, and look at the real world. Take off your rose colored glasses. Legalize drugs, take them out of the back streets and alleys and put them in stores just like you do liquor sales. Collect taxes on them instead of wasting tax payer money fighting something that clearly can not be stopped. Move these dollars back into Social Security and Health Care instead of stealing from these programs to fund government waste. This is not a call for anarchy, but a call for common sense. Quit lying to Americans. Do what is right, correct and just. Some of you agree with me, and others of you don't. That is OK, in fact, it is good. My BLOG expresses my opinion, and I welcome yours. If you agree with me, tell others. If you disagree with me, comment and tell me about it. But one thing is clear, prostitution, gambling and drugs are seen as problems in America, and the evidence is in the money we spend every year trying to prevent it. And if it is a problem, then it must be addressed and solved, and it is obvious that what we are doing today is not working. Have A Great Day!
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